Making Blankets for Kids Who Need a Reminder They Matter2025-01-30T00:08:03+00:00

Corporate & Team Engagement

Looking for meaningful team-building activities? Binky Patrol offers unique opportunities for corporate teams to make a tangible difference. Our blanket-making events combine skill-building, team bonding, and direct community impact. Each blanket created provides comfort to children in need while strengthening your team’s connections to their community and each other.

We make blankets and give them away to children who are in need of comfort.

It’s a reminder that they matter, they are not invisible, not forgotten, and that SOMEONE cares about them.
100% volunteer – all ages and skills are welcome!

It’s easy to change lives by volunteering one hour per month.


Tech professionals can volunteer remotely, making it more accessible than traditional volunteering.

Featured Chapter News

  • Great Oak High School Interact Club – Temecula Bink-A-Thon

    Another positive news story from the Temecula Chapter! On December 5th, Area Coordinator Kimberly Legg spoke at the Great Oak High School Interact Club. Approximately 55 students attended, and she shared the difference Patrol is making in our community. These students then created an outreach community day on December 14th and set out to make 100 Binky Blankets! They partnered with our local Rotary Club and two other schools for the day to be a success! As of January 1, 2025 - blankets were still being dropped off! The chapter also delivered 240 blankets to the San Diego Rescue Mission last week for women and children in shelter care. [read the story]

Need community service hours?

Before you choose Binky Patrol for your community service, make sure the agency, school, etc., you have to report your hours to will accept us. If you have contacted a local chapter and they will not accept community service, please alert BP National Headquarters, and we will figure it out. – founder . Also, we’ve been doing this for a while and have to get a bit firmer on a few things.

Our Podcast

A few of our national sponsors

our favorite patterns

  • SewCanShe has GREAT free patterns. She charges $3 for most optimized PDF files, but the free ones can be used. I like this one as it's easy and doesn't involve TRIANGLES - oooooh the dreaded TRIANGLES! What can you do with three yards? The ladies at Fabric Cafe have built a mini-empire on just that [read the story]

  • The following is a step-by-step process for creating a no-sew binky. ALL FABRIC - BEFORE YOU CUT FRINGE - CUT OFF THE SELVEDGE. They cannot be accepted without that cut-off. The edges are the selvedge - it looks so ugly. PLEASE cut your fringes EVENLY. DO NOT TIE them too tight, known as "choking the [read the story]

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