Before you choose Binky Patrol for your community service, make sure the agency, school, etc., you have to report your hours to will accept us. If you have contacted a local chapter and they will not accept community service, please alert BP National Headquarters, and we will figure it out. – founder . Also, we’ve been doing this for a while and have to get a bit firmer on a few things.
For your binkies to be accepted, you must:
TIE ALL FRINGES – go through them and double-check that all of the fringe has been tied. Some of you turn in over 100 binkies, and half are not all tied. It’s a lot of time for our chapter leaders to “proof” each binky. PLEASE have them all done. Hours for binkies not completed will not count. TIE THEM THE BINKY WAY – for single or double-layer blankets – Tie them around your finger like a balloon. That’s why you need 4 inch fringe no wider than 1 inch, but not less than 3/4″ to ensure they hold together and can be tied this way. Do not tie to pieces together. They fall apart as many people forget to tie it twice.
From one of our Area Coordinators – a gentle reminder – Make sure any words in the pattern are going the right direction BEFORE you cut and tie
WE DO NOT ACCEPT LAST-MINUTE VERIFICATIONS. This is because we are 100% volunteer and don’t always check emails immediately, nor can we get your forms filled out. Give us a few days or a week’s notice, please. We want you to make your deadlines.
WE DO NOT ACCEPT USED BINKIES – YOU MUST MAKE THEM, NOT YOUR GRANDMA. AND PLEASE DO NOT donate blankets from your closet that you no longer use, even if they were handmade. Blankets with holes showing signs of wear or pilling will not be accepted. This is about community service HOURS. Time YOU spend for whatever the courts didn’t like that you did.
We are a 501c3. We can give you that documentation for them. Because we don’t have local offices, other than our local chapters, some won’t accept something as simple as allowing you to comfort children through virtual volunteering or making blankets at your home. Go figure. If you are able to submit hours from Binky Patrol, please follow the instructions below:
- Use our drop-down menu at the top to find a chapter near you.
- Contact that chapter leader directly and ask them how you can help. Many no longer accept court-ordered blankets because of how many people tried to cheat the system.
- If you can’t find a chapter near you, contact BPHQ: about volunteering. Do not choose Dallas, or Portland (Beaverton is OK) chapters. That runs through National HQ only.
- Make blankets, help on our website, host an event – it all counts for HOURS, but we need to verify whatever you choose. It would be good to ask your Binky Patrol contact. Tell us what you are ABLE to do, willing to do and the hours you need by when.
- When you are done, your Binky Patrol contact will verify the hours you spent. We do this a variety of ways. When there is no chapter near you or that chapter is not participating in this program, this is what we do:
- After you have verified you can choose Binky Patrol – check with your parole officer, court, etc. – email Founder Susan Finch to ask for a pdf of the delivery receipt. (
- IF YOU ARE MAKING BLANKETS, YOU buy the fabric to make the NEW blankets. Make sure they follow the criteria for the hours that you need.
- You find the place to deliver them to locally a clinic, shelter, etc. that serves people directly – not another non-profit like us – you have to get them to the agency that needs them. This saves shipping money for no reason and gets you involved in your local community. This is TIME too. Research and delivery can take a bit of time.
- Contact them to arrange a delivery time and ensure they accept them.
- Email Susan Finch to get the receipt to print for them to sign.
- You’ll need to get a photo of you there with them delivering the blankets.
- You’ll need them to sign the receipt we emailed to you.
- You’ll need their business card so we can call to verify – this is because we don’t know you and we are not there and people have been less than honorable in the past so we make this procedure.
- Email Susan Finch ( the photo of you with them, the business card and of the receipt so they can all be read, along with your address for the letter.
- She will call the contact to confirm the quality, that they are tied properly and tidy, beautiful, and new.
- She will email you back a signed letter on Binky Patrol letterhead verifying your hours.
- If you want to do something other than making blankets, it’s trickier, but we can figure it out. Again, contact Susan Finch, our founder.
- Fleece blankets take less time than sewn, quilted, or crocheted. We have hours set for each type of blanket.
- Basic strip, sewn med-large blanket (4’x4′, 4’x6′) with batting and backing – simple in a quilter’s eye: 3 hrs each. If you get fancy, let us know – we will work with you. SAMPLE HERE
- No-Sew Fleece – large (4′ x 5′ – 6′): 1 hr each blanket – I’ve been testing and they don’t take long to cut or tie. 8-year-olds can get them done in under an hour. INSTRUCTIONS HERE
- Crocheted – small, 3 x 3 simple pattern: 5 hrs each blanket – depends on the pattern. (free patterns here)
- Knitted – 3×3.5 small/med, simple – 6 hours each blanket – depends on the pattern. (free patterns here)
- Send/give your verification form to the Binky Patrol contact to fill out on your behalf. If mailing, send with a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to speed up the process. Remember, we can do a lot of this via email. We will call the agency to verify you did do this. Remember, we don’t know you, you are remote. This is a lot of trust to help you get these hours. Don’t try to be a weasel. We don’t like weasels.
- If you PURCHASED materials for this project, mail in your ORIGINAL receipts (no copies accepted) stapled to a quick note explaining what they are and your address, etc. so we can issue you a tax receipt for your donation. Postage counts, too. Mail it to National Headquarters and they will mail you back a receipt. Include a SASE. Our address is: Binky Patrol, PO Box 652, Beaverton, OR 97075-0652. On the outside write in the lower left corner: COMMUNITY SERVICE.
- If you are giving to us directly – by dropping off to a local chapter, we receive the blankets, forms, etc. and sign your receipt and form.
- YOU have MADE A DIFFERENCE in the life of a CHILD or TEEN who needed comfort – YOU DID IT!
- Want to keep doing it? We would LOVE IT!
TIME is NOT tax-deductible – EVER. Only the materials you use to create the blankets you donate if you have the ORIGINAL RECEIPT. You can count the miles you drove to shop for the materials and deliver the blankets. That’s all. Charity miles are less than business miles. If you donate blankets, we have set values for various types and sizes.