The goal is to add another 50 chapters to Binky Patrol this year!

We are making it easy. You can become a DROP-OFF LOCATION chapter.

We are looking for a professional organization with members nationwide or a business with brick-and-mortar locations in many states where people WALK IN, not drive through. If you want to do this, you can fill out the form on this page.

  • Give us your address, logo, and a point person.
  • Your business will be listed on our website as a local sponsor.
  • We will link to your business.
  • We need a point person for volunteers to be listed on our website.
  • We’ll even give you a custom email address – but you need to check it at least three days a week and reply to volunteers.
  • Your business gets to find a local area shelter, clinic, or organization that helps victims of violent crimes who are recovering from abuse, are homeless, or are clients of pregnancy clinics – then you get to deliver them!
  • The blankets need labels. You can have them for volunteers to sew on, or you can sew them on.

This allows you to build community first with the volunteers making blankets and dropping them off, then with the organization you deliver them to! WOW! Cool, huh? Once a month, you will fill out a form on our website about how many blankets came in and how many you delivered to where. That’s IT – EASY PEASY! What do you think?

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Point Person Name
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
US Drop Off Location Address
This must be a public building verifiable on Google Maps. If you are the point person for a GROUP of locations, just say that in the address. Susan will call you to visit.
This is so we can link your logo to your website. If you have a specific landing page, we can always update this.
You understand these are the requirements:
You need to check all of these. We can create a dedicated email address for you. We will help you get started and are here to support you! Thank you for considering this.