Postage increaseWe love our volunteers and thank them. We are also mindful of our funds. In January, postage will be increasing, so we are going to double down on postcards instead of standard cards with envelopes. This will save us printing costs and postage. If you receive one from us, it’s not that you are not worth the extra in postage, but we’d rather put that money toward more fabric for more binkies!

Non-profits, especially smaller ones may want to consider ordering postcards in bulk with a happy image and your logo small on the glossy side. Keep the backs matte finish so you can write a note. Consider screening back your logo on the back at 10% opacity so you can see your logo, but you can still write over them.

If your penmanship isn’t so great, take your time, get a nice pen. This is a great job for a non-crafty volunteer who loves to show off their penmanship. Nothing is better than a handwritten note. We know it’s not required to send thank you notes, but we know they are always appreciated. We do our best. I know I do them at BPQH about twice a month. Good evening project.

Thank you to everyone who mails in binkies to us.