Angela Killingsworth


We are meeting at my home on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Call me for the address and starting time.

I’m looking forward to our next meeting. Bring a friend.

Please bring your own sewing machine.  I will be trying to gather enough machines to store them there so we won’t have to carry them every time.

We are in need of more volunteers.  The agencies are requesting a more blankets each month. Each agency has more clients.

We will be taking our finished items to Gibson City Hospital, Carle Hospital, Carle Cancer Center in Champaign, the nursing homes in Paxton, Head Start in Paxton, Gibson City and the Day Cares in Paxton.

Donations of fabric, yarn, thread and sewing supplies are very much appreciated.  Tax receipts are given for your donation.

Volunteers – All your sewing supplies will be furnished.  These items are made into quilts, blankets from fleece or flannel, tote bags, hats and scarves for the winter season, shawls and hats for Chemo patients and small blankets from flannel for preemies; patterns can be found on our website.

Thank you all in advance for your support! It is very much appreciated.

Sincerely, Angela Killingsworth