Christina Stassforth, Area Coordinator
binkypatrolaustin @
We are an all-volunteer, national, non-profit organization that make blankets to comfort children who are sick, abused, underprivileged and homeless in Austin. Please reach out if you are interested in helping!
If you have a church group or scout troop that needs a project….this is a great one! This is also a great project for community service hours. Contact me to find out how easy it is to make no-sew fleece blankets!
How can you help?
1). Volunteer your time to make blankets (fleece, crocheted, knitted, or quilted) and donate them to our chapter. We will then stitch a Binky Patrol label on the blankets and deliver them to local children in need of comfort. We accept all types of new handmade blankets.
2). Donate materials to make blankets including fleece, other fabric, batting, yarn, and other sewing supplies. Tax receipts are given for your donation.
3). Monetary donations can be made through the Binky Patrol National Office at Please reference “Funds for Austin, TX Chapter” in the additional info text box on the donation form. Tax receipts are given for your donation.
Thank you in advance for your support. It is very much appreciated.

Binky Patrol Donates to Texas Children’s Hospital New Northwest Austin Location!
Monday, February 19, 2024 – In celebration of the grand opening of the Texas Children’s Hospital Northwest Austin location, the Binky Patrol Austin Chapter brought warmth and comfort to young patients by donating a collection of handmade fleece blankets.

Stony Point High School’s, Pay It Forward student organization, donates to Binky Patrol
Saturday, April 29, 2023 – A big thank you to student’s at Stony Point High School’s, Pay it Forward organization and teacher and club sponsor, Allison Bahneman, for your blanket donation to Binky Patrol.
Binky Patrol celebrates the opening of Dell Children’s Hospital new Northwest Austin location
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 – To commemorate the grand opening of the new Dell Children’s Hospital Northwest location, the Binky Patrol Austin Chapter made an initial donation of 50 fleece blankets. Cathy Heckenlively, Chief Administrative Officer, was on-hand to receive this generous donation from Christina Stassforth, Austin Area Coordinator.