In this heartwarming episode of All Volunteer, All Heart from Binky Patrol, host Susan Finch sits down with the dynamic duo behind Fabric Cafe, Fran Morgan and Donna Robertson. Discover how their passion for quilting led them to leave corporate America and build a thriving business that inspires creativity and joy in the quilting community. Explore the power of quilting to bring people together, create a sense of community, and make a difference in the lives of others. Learn about Fabric Cafe’s mission to keep quilting simple, fast, and fun, making it accessible to beginners and experienced quilters alike. Join Susan, Fran, and Donna as they discuss the versatility of quilting, the importance of communication with their audience, and the incredible growth of their YouTube channel since the start of the pandemic. Get ready to be inspired by their infectious enthusiasm and love for the art of quilting.



Links from this episode:

Fabric Cafe

3-yard Quilts

Fabric Cafe on YouTube

Fabric Cafe on Instagram

National Bink-A-Thon October 19