Ramey family to ship approximately 300-350 brand new hand made blankets to Haiti free of charge!

This past week, some amazing circumstances allowed the Ramey family to ship approximately 300-350 brand new  hand made blankets to Haiti free of charge!

There were already pallets going to Haiti of 5 gallon buckets of food. They merely added the boxes of Binky’s on top of the food buckets. SMART!!!

The father had already been to Haiti a few weeks ago as a volunteer. He said they had plenty of medicine and bandages…but the kids did not have blankets to sleep with. He felt so bad for the babies with no blankets. Binky Patrol to the rescue!!!

They estimated 300-350 Binky’s were on board. Blankets are bulky and can get heavy, so this saved us a large expense.
Terrie, the Director for the Sacramento area, has been so amazing in helping us send blankets to the children in Haiti.
We arrived at her house at 7 a.m. to pick up a load of blankets and then drove to a church in Sacramento to load them up for shipment.

First the blankets had to be boxed for shipment.
  Thank you to Circo Innovations for donating these large boxes which worked perfectly!
Josh is a master packer! He packed 40-60 blankets into each box.
 They are wrapped in plastic in case the pallets get caught in a downpour in transit.

A pallet all ready to go!
 The truck arrived in Sacramento at 9 a.m. and the blankets were packed and ready to load!
 We hope to send one more shipment of blankets to the field hospital in Haiti for use with the babies.
Heres’ a Big Binky Thanks to
Josh, Christina, Nathan, Peter & Juliana Ramey
Click here to read the family’s recap of the events