After 21 years, our Caldwell, TX Binky Patrol chapter is closing in October. Rita Blidt has led this chapter through so many ups and downs, including the pandemic. Her heart will be missed, but her eyes are betraying her and it’s tough to keep it going.

After 21 years, our Caldwell, TX Binky Patrol chapter is closing in October. Rita Blidt has led this chapter through so many ups and downs, including the pandemic. Her heart will be missed, but her eyes are betraying her and it’s tough to keep it going.

Rita Blidt is one of our “Golden Volunteers” and has rolled with every bit of growth, change, paperwork, odd promotions we’ve had for these 21 years including the Disney volunteer promo, national baby showers, national bink-a-thons, transition to online chapter reporting, and the pandemic. She had to store the binkies – hundreds of them – at her house in trashcans in her livingroom until she had the greenlight from local area shetlers to deliver again.  Resourceful, dedicated, loving. She’s the perfect example of the Binky Spirit. 

We’ve had a few chapters over the years where the heart was willing, but the eyes, the hands, get in the way as they age. Rita’s heart is strong, her laugh is infectious, her humor is wry. We will miss her in Binky Patrol come October.