Craftmodo, and I personally, would like to thank you for the work you do. Making a difference in our world is the most important job there is and to do it so selflessly leaves us grateful.

I couldn’t help but feel some curiosity at the name of this organization. Binky Patrol? I was intrigued. I stopped by and found a vital organization that allows crafters a great deal of latitude in creativity and helps a lot of babies, kids, and teens.

What is a Binky? The front page asks that question and so did I. It is a blanket that is sewn, quilted, knitted or crocheted and is at least three feet square. Occasionally they have need for two by two blankets (premie binkies) but the rule of thumb is three by three and up to a twin bed size. These binkies (or blankets) are given to children and teens who are in crisis.

Binky Patrol has made over 75,000 blankets and has over 5,000 members. They have an annual “bink-a-thon” which is a marathon in blanket making within a community – the goal is to make as many blankets as possible and raise the awareness in communities about Binky Patrol and the kids who need these blankets.

One of the best things I found out about Binky Patrol was that it could easily become a family project. They need more than blanket makers! They need people to do clerical work, deliver blankets, provide resources and get various companies involved. This could be something that a family would work on one night a week to increase “quality family time.” Teaching our children to reach out to others in their need, is more important than teaching them the skill to make the blanket. The Binky Patrol is the perfect organization to become involved in for a family looking for an activity – the feeling of helping another is like no other.

Binky Patrol needs chapters in various states. If you feel called to this kind of charity, get in touch with them. They offer a great many ways to help and with the lack of restriction on what patterns are used, they afford the crafter ways to improve skills and experiment with various materials.

Visit Binky Patrol and see if they are a good fit for you. They are a great fit for the people in our communities!

Reprinted with permission from: