This letter in from a friend of the mother of one special little girl:

Dear Deb,

I will be bringing you two fleece blankets that were made for Binky Patrol at a birthday party!

I work with Sarah Bertman’s mother. Sarah recently celebrated her 10th birthday. In lieu of birthday gifts, she accepted toys to bring to Toys for Tots. And for one of their party activities, Sarah and the 6 girls that were at her party cut and tied fringe on two fleece blankets. When the girls heard about who would receive the blankets (that they are given to a child who needs a hug) they all gave the blankets a hug to pass on!

Isn’t that an incredibly loving and giving thing for a child to do for her birthday?!

Her mother will send me a couple digital pictures of the girls holding up the blankets – I will forward them on to you. I thought that this story would be inspirational for you to pass on!

Here are the lists of girls attending the party and helping:
Birthday girl:
Sarah Bertman

Adie Pregenzer
Tess Denton-Duncan
Adena Leibbrand
RaeAnn Burkey
Hannah Barnhardt
Grace Kiel

Here’s the photo from Sarah’s birthday party.  Girls are from left side of picture to right (birthday girl is on the far right): 
Hannah, Tess, Grace, Raeanne, Adena, Adie, and Sarah.

10 Year Old Makes a Difference at Her Own Birthday Party

And, I’ll continue to spread the word about how anyone can give a hug to a child.

Happy Holidays!


Robyn Lilek, Kalamazoo Public Library