March 24 – Lakewood
We had our Spring bink-a-thon March 24th at the Lakewood First Presbyterian Church 3955 Studebaker Rd. in Long Beach from 9 til 2:00.
Everyone was invited to come and help. We always have a great time. Volunteers brought a sack lunch and machines. We are hoping to make a real impression on April 1st by hanging all the binkies we can in our church. Last year we hung 209 this year we hope to do better. It is really impressive.
We have given over 100 so far this year. We seem to keep finding new places in need. We had a homeless family come into our meeting in January looking for assitance and we were able to let the three children pick out binkies. What a thrill to see these little guys eyes light up. It was a real honor to be able to help them.
If you want more information or directions on how to get to Lakewood 1st just call Dottie 562 431-5352.
Thanks, Dottie