We’ll continue to post info as it becomes available.
With the events of this morning – September 11, 2001 – Binky Patrol is beginning to gather efforts in NY, NJ, MD and surrounding states to comfort those families affected by the tragic terrorist attacks on NY’s World Trade Towers and the Pentagon.
As we discover how we can help, we will post our list of items needed and where to send them. Of course, we will be gathering binkies and stuffed toys since these were commercial buildings and not homes struck. Our concern is to comfort the families. Unlike disasters in the past where residences were lost and all personal belongings – this is more of an emotional attack on these children and we want to do all that we can – however minor it may seem in the grand scheme – to ease the pain of these children and teens affected.
The tragedy is not limited to those in the Towers, but those families who had loved ones on the hijacked planes. Please check back to this article for updates of how you can help.
Susan Finch, Founder
Binky Patrol, Inc.