“Through my work I have come into contact with an extraordinary young lady, Kathy Perry. Kathy works in the accounting department at our dealership, and she lives a life that overflows with caring and genuine concern for others. I was not at all surprised to learn recently that Kathy and her mother, Helen Munday, have begun a service project here in Waco.
They constitute the entire membership of the Binky Patrol, an organization that brings a caring, loving touch by creating and delivering handmade blankets (“binkies”) to children. These “binkies” enrich children’s lives, and meet their most basic needs of warmth, security and comfort. They are distributed through hospitals, shelters and social service agencies. They are given as gifts to the children, and they are not recycled in the agencies. They delivered their first set of 10 “binkies” to the Child Advocacy Center just over a week ago, and they are about to deliver another 10. Each of us is surrounded by special individuals. Through time, we come to learn unique talents and the compassion that our friends, neighbors and coworkers have that make life better for others. Truly, I admire the spirit of Kathy Perry and Helen Munday for their generosity and compassion for needy children who have been abused, experienced trauma or have other health or emotional challenges. Anyone who shares their passion for these unfortunate children can help make blankets, as well. You can reach Kathy at 772-8850 during working hours. I am sure she will appreciate your call, and your willingness to join in the effort.”
Bart Cooper President, Allen Samuels Chevrolet-Mercedes Waco