501c3 Status letter available upon request.


Special Thank You to BMC Software. Their contribution has cut the previous list by 30%! Thank you all and for the great binkies they make too.

POSTAGE – $.37 and $.23 stamps are always needed to mail out information to other chapters, volunteers and recipients. You can send us stamps or mail us a check telling us to use it for postage. Binky Patrol, Inc. PO Box 652 Beaverton, OR 97075-652.

To become a Binky Patrol corporate sponsor of postage for the year, our approximate annual postage needs are:

New chapter start up kits
New volunteer information
Miscellaneous requests and binkies
Publicity mailings


GIFT CERTIFICATES to JoAnn Fabrics (since they are national) or WalMart. The gift certificates for JoAnn Fabric and WalMart can easily be mailed to chapters for them to purchase the batting, thread and other supplies without costly shipping if we send the actual items.

JoAnn Fabrics or WalMart gift certificates in increments of:


BINKY PATROL 2 1/2 INCH ROUND PINS In quantities of 1000.  We have the artwork, we just need someone to make the buttons that we give out to new chapter leaders, event volunteers and students who participate. Grocery store clerks even find room on their uniforms to wear them and generate interest. It has proven to be one of our best advertising tools. It opens the door for conversation and suddenly we have another volunteer.

DONATE FLYER MILES One of the 2004-2005 goals is for Binky Patrol’s officers/Directors to be able to fly to central areas of the country to speak and give a presentation about Binky Patrol to large quilt groups, conferences and other gatherings of organizations looking for a way to help children.  Your miles/tickets will enable us to set up several trips per year that will rev up large groups of teachers, quilters, and caring people to join our efforts.  This is completely tax deductible.  For more information/details, please contact Susan Finch at binky@binkypatrol.org

  SHIPPING FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS Some of our volunteers don’t have a chapter near to them. They prefer to mail their binkies or ship UPS. This can become costly. Would you be willing to let us ship UPS 3day for a set amount of boxes per month? Most boxes weigh an average of 15 lbs. Some are only 3 lbs. We would call from BPHQ to have UPS come pick it up from the volunteer on your shipping number and deliver to the binky recipients or other volunteers. If you say three boxes per month — then that’s all we’ll use it for. Same for FedEx’s new Economy rate. We can give you a list of references so that you can see we are very strict to adhering to your specifications. Local shipping for BPHQ is handled by JC Carter and Carter Ground Fueling. This request is for out of state volunteers and chapters. 

SPONSOR THE BINKY PATROL MAINFRAME – We are currently using Cox High Speed Service to connect to the Internet. It runs $40/month.

 The website is updated an average of 3 times per day and over 100 emails are answered each day. Speed and reliability are key.

HELP WITH PRINTING ITEMS – We can make our print jobs fit into any unused space on your print jobs. We even developed a 3″ x 8″ full-color brochure that goes nicely at the top of many jobs. Next time you order a full color print job and the printer tells you there will be an extra 36 x 4 to be trimmed and thrown away, we can create a brochure 8 x 3 to print on your job at no additional cost to you. THIS IS A HUGE ITEM FOR US and our chapters. It is critical for Binky Patrol to have appealing items to show what we do, mail out or leave behind as we are trying to get more volunteers and sponsors. This is a terrific item to be able to share with our chapters and gives them something spiffy to hand out at events they participate in on behalf of Binky Patrol.

Printing gift certificates would be used toward:



Business cards


AC start up kits and support materials

Specialty items:

Labels to sew onto binkies before delivery

Banners, silkscreened logos for jackets, totebags, bumperstickers  

Any items you choose to sponsor — we will add you to all promotion material. Our volunteers are very loyal to our sponsors. Just ask any of our locals how often they eat at Wahoo’s Fish Taco!