Parenting Magazine staff not only covered the event, but they pulled together a dozen presents for the babies.
Read about these and other Binky Angels who were recognized at the World’s Biggest Baby Shower/Annual Meeting.
LA & Orange County Parenting Magazine Binky Angels (wadsworth, 06/19/2001)
Sheila, Karen & Angela not only promoted Binky Patrol on page 12 of their June issue of the Orange County Parenting Magazine, but also generously donated over 35 new baby items including books, videos and binkies for the the World’s Biggest Baby Shower. Thank you ladies! – Kim Wadsworth, Santa Monica Binky Patrol.
For the Annual Meeting – we couldn’t have done it without the kindness and donations from:City of Anaheim – the beautiful room.
Raymond Whipp – decorations and cakes
Amanda Hunt for her beautiful and fun centerpieces
Albertson’s for one cake
OC Register for pre-event coverage
Laguna Coastline News for pre-event coverage
The “Balloon Lady” for our colorful greeting and pink baby centerpieces
Lucy Max Children’s Boutique in Laguna Beach, Mary Engelbreit and counteless others for gifts.Buttercup Brownies for the gifts, Browne’s Flowers of Laguna Beach for the moms’ corsages, arrangements.
BMC Software – table and projector for event.
We also took this time to recognize our Angels from throughout the year:
Greg Smith – Commpro International
Tim Johnson – BMC Software
John Knox – TMS Asia/TMS US
Bret Colson – City of Anaheim
Tony Hoffman – Hoffman California Fabrics
John Zartler – True Grit Clothing
PJ Salvage/Lemon Soda
Pat Maloney – Calico Corners, Huntington Beach
Wendy Hager – Material Possessions
Sue Cantou – Orange Grove Quilters Guild
William Levin/Patti Robinson – Levin & Hawes Attorneys at Law
Outstanding Chapters recognized:
Portand, OR Binky Patrol – Outstanding Fundraising
High-Tide Perlers, Laguna Beach, CA – Creative Fundraising
Amanda Hunt, East Long Beach, BP – Website assistance for chapters, and any other project thrown her way
Donna Serra, Baltimore, MD BP – always looking for more ways to help and support the other chapters.
Angela Largent, Crawfordsville, IN BP – Event QUEEN! Their chapter’s shower was twice the size of the shower in Anaheim! WAY TO GO!
Kids Making a Difference:Buttercup Brownies of South Orange County – held their own Baby Shower for Binky Patrol and brought over 200 gifts to the event! They set the example for their entire service unit.
Marissa – Gold Award Girl Scout – made over 30 binkies and delivered them to Ronald McDonald House
Volunteers Going Beyond:
Laura McCoy, Susan Staebell, Carolyn Berndt, Carolyn Dilday, Lisa Nagurski, Julie Smith. They are all a part of the homegroup and help to keep us running.