Loving that those assigned community service hours from the court are choosing Binky Patrol!

Need community service hours from the court or your school? We have you covered! Here are some of the recent jackpots from those meeting those requirements. A few have gone on to start chapters! Learn more about community service through Binky Patrol here >

Thank you: Jenna, Tifrae, Josh, Kevin, Lacey, Lisa, Shannon, Chad, Ashley and Robin!

Community service hours through schools and courts have led some fantastic volunteers to Binky Patrol. Some have even gone on to start chapters, volunteer at local shelters and more. Their smiles in these photos is sincere! They have such big hearts. Some contributed over 300 blankets! If you want to know how you can meet your community service requirements through Binky Patrol, it’s easy! You can connect with a local chapter or do it all remotely.

 We teach you how in this article. >