Binky Patrol offersbanner ads for at the chapter and corporate level. If you are interested, please read on…
Interested in sponsoring your local chapter?
Local sponsorship opportunities are available. Our chapters need materials to keep making binkies. You can supply them for six months or one year at a time with batting, yarn, postage or other supplies. You can even sponsor their annual Bink-A-Thon event.
If you are interested, please contact your local chapter. In order to have a display ad on our site, the Area Coordinator will let us know of your committment to their chapter. It is usually between $300 and $500 for a year. With this committment, you will be able to email us a jpg or gif 120 x 60 pixels. Include what you would like your ad to link to — your corporate site, an email, etc. We will add your ad to the rotation within our site sections.
Interested in sponsoring Binky Patrol, Inc.?
National sponsorship opportunities are available. Binky Patrol, Inc. uses contributions to pay for our storage unit. We store and ship fabric to chapters who cannot afford materials. We also use the money for professional accounting services, permits, printing of promotional materials that benefit all chapters. You can contribute enough for six months or one year at a time. We are open to additional ideas.
If you are interested, please contact Binky Patrol Founder, Susan Finch:
In order to have display ad on our site, it is a committment of between $2000 and $3000 for a year. With this committment, you will be able to email us a jpg or gif 468 x 60 pixels. Include what you would like your ad to link to — your corporate site, an email, etc. We will add your ad to the rotation to all pages of the site. You will also be included in all promotional materials for the same period and included in eblasts sent out to subscribers.
If you have more questions about this program, please contact Susan Finch directly:
Thank you for considering this as a way to help Binky Patrol continue to comfort children and teens.