Recent Press Coverage
Our chapters new and old have been busy getting publicity to get more volunteers for their local chapters. WOW! Read the story to see news from around the country.
Binky Patrol celebrates anniversary by making more quilts
Vacaville’s Linda Barth was one of several quilters sewing strips of fabric together as the Binky Patrol marked its 10th anniversary on Thursday.
Binky Patrol Event Trailer – YouTube
A quick introduction to Binky Patrol Comforting Covers for Kids. We make blankets and give them away to children and teens in need of comfort.
Binky Patrol – My Quilt Place
Binky Patrol. Our goal is to provide blankets (binkies) to children who are sick or going through a traumatic experience. There is nothing better than the …
Binky Patrol – My Quilt Place
Binky Patrol. Our goal is to provide blankets (binkies) to children who are sick or going through a traumatic experience. There is nothing better than the …