Recent Press Coverage

Our chapters new and old have been busy getting publicity to get more volunteers for their local chapters. WOW! Read the story to see news from around the country.

Binky Patrol celebrates anniversary by making more quilts

Vacaville’s Linda Barth was one of several quilters sewing strips of fabric together as the Binky Patrol marked its 10th anniversary on Thursday.

Binky Patrol Event Trailer – YouTube

A quick introduction to Binky Patrol Comforting Covers for Kids. We make blankets and give them away to children and teens in need of comfort.

Binky Patrol – My Quilt Place

Binky Patrol. Our goal is to provide blankets (binkies) to children who are sick or going through a traumatic experience. There is nothing better than the 
Binky Patrol Connecticut | Facebook

Binky Patrol Connecticut. 338 likes · 60 talking about this. Welcome to Southern Connecticut’s Binky Patrol Chapter. Binky Patrol is a national 
Get to know Binky Patrol Comforting Covers for Kids – YouTube

This is an over view of who we are and what we do. More to come. We make blankets and give them away to children in shelters, foster care, those 
Binky Patrol – My Quilt Place

Binky Patrol. Our goal is to provide blankets (binkies) to children who are sick or going through a traumatic experience. There is nothing better than the 

Binky Patrol Comforting Covers for Kids: One Chapter’s Success Story

Thx again for all you do, I would be so lost without Binky Patrol….if feeds my creative soul!!! Who doesn’t like to see smiles on children’s faces>.
Binky Patrol celebrates anniversary by making more quilts

It was Binky Patrol Quilt Day, and nearly 10 adults, some from the NorthWind Quilt Guild, and an equal number of Vanden High honor students 
Binky Patrol celebrates anniversary by making more quilts – The Reporter

It was Binky Patrol Quilt Day, and nearly 10 adults, some from the NorthWind Quilt Guild, and an equal number of Vanden High honor students 
Monroe woman is on ‘Binky Patrol

Binky Patrol is a national nonprofit organization that makes and gives  Locally, Binky Patrol Connecticut plans on delivering to St. Vincent’s Medical 
Weekly Get-Together for Las Vegas Chapter, Binky Patrol – Binky PatrolComforting Covers for Kids

Title: Weekly Get-Together for Las Vegas Chapter, Binky Patrol. From: Sat, Feb/22/2014 10:00 AM. To: Sat, Feb/22/2014 12:00 PM. Category: Chapter 
CT -Trumbull – Binky Patrol Comforting Covers for Kids:

CT -Trumbull. Welcome to the Trumbull, CT chapter page. Area Coordinator: Cynthia Garofalo. Cell: 203-993- 

Jeanne Malgioglio of Monroe (Language Arts teacher at Madison Middle School, Trumbull) has started a local chapter of Binky PatrolBinky Patrol is 
Beaverton MLK Bink-A-Thon a HUGE success! – Binky Patrol

Binky Patrol News – We made 195 blankets that were already delivered to local area children in Beaverton/Portland Metro. Thank you to our host: Village Baptist Church, 
Weekend of Service Honors KingPortland Observer

Volunteers work “Binky Patrol” during the 2013 United Way Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend of Service event, making homemade blankets for kids 
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Upper Valley Binky Patrol Community Baby Shower | Fundly

The Upper Valley Binky Patrol chapter was established in early 2011. We started in Lebanon NH and since then have moved to Windsor VT.…

Typhoon relief efforts take shape in Solano CountyThe Reporter

A piece of the Binky Patrol, a national organization that sews blankets to be shipped around the world for those in need, is in Vacaville. Marilyn Lewis, one of the 
Binky Patrol celebrates 12 yearsQuad-Cities Online

September 24, 2013, Long Grove, IA – The Quad-Cities Chapter of the Binky Patrol, a national non-profit organization dedicated to helping children and women, 
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Binky Patrol – My Quilt Place

Binky Patrol. Our goal is to provide blankets (binkies) to children who are sick or going through a traumatic experience. There is nothing better than the