Anthony’s Story
When Binky Patrol first started, a man Susan Finch went to school with offered to put on a golf tournament. Joe. Susan was close friends with his sister, Paula. The tournament was a success.
Less than a year later, Paula gave birth to Anthony. Anthony only had one heart ventricle that worked and needed major three-stage surgery and lots of prayers. Anthony has an older brother named Jimmy who was sad his brother was sick, was sad watching his mom and dad cry a lot and be afraid. Paula, Kelvin and the boys lived at Ronald McDonald house on and off for a year and were regulars at CHOC and Children’s Hospital in LA.
Once Susan heard about this, she knew that the whole family needed binkies. Mom and dad(Paula and Kelvin) – who Susan had gone to school with since 3rd grade, Jimmy and of course – Anthony. This had come full circle. First Joe helps Binky Patrol and then Binky Patrol is able to comfort his family.
Recently Anthony was back in the hospital for yet another surgery. His binky was worn and the family was tired from commuting to LA Ronald McDonald House. Anthony was crying from the discomfort and pain from being poked & prodded.
Susan asked new Area Coordinator, Kim Wadsworth from the Santa Monica chapter if she had a binky handy and could make the delivery to lift their spirits. Instead of saying yes, she got out the Thomas Guide and was on her way. She had a perfect binky with bugs and critters on it. It was a perfect gift for Anthony and for Kim. She spent about an hour visiting with Paula and Kelvin and left knowing that Anthony would be fine as is very blessed to have such an incredible family.
Happy to report Anthony and family are doing great. They still snuggle as a family with their binkies.