Dear Potential Volunteer,

Binky Patrol is looking for volunteers to make blankets out of fleece.

You do not need to sew anything! All you need is some fleece fabric, a pair of scissors and a little bit of time.

ALL FABRIC – BEFORE YOU CUT FRINGE – CUT OFF THE SELVEDGE. They cannot be accepted without that cut-off. The edges are the selvedge – it looks so ugly.

PLEASE cut your fringes EVENLY.

DO NOT TIE them too tight, known as “choking the fringe.” They lay nicer.

Cut the fleece into blanket-sized pieces.

The following should be adhered to for sizes:
36″ x 36″ (crib size) or larger, up to 50″ x 72″ (twin size)

We used to say ‘Any size’ but recent feedback from foster moms – not wanting to sound ungrateful – is that binkies need to be at least 36″ x 36″ and up to twin bed size for the older teens. They should all have a Binky Patrol label sewn in any one corner. Labels can be provided to any volunteers who can and are able to sew the labels on the blankets. It will depend upon the needs of the recipients of the binkies.

FIRST STEP: Cut off the selvage – the long sides with the ugly writing, all curled to make it tidy.

Then, fold it in fourths. All open corners at one corner.

Cut ONLY the OPEN corner out about the size of CD. (5-6 inches)

Keep it folded.
Using the scissors, you cut 1″ wide strips like fringe into the OPEN edges of the fabric  – only two sides using your cut corner as your guide. (about 5-6″ deep),


Open it up all way. Then simply tie two pieces of side-by-side fringe into a square knot. OR like the Beaverton chapter prefers, tie each fringe like you would tie off a balloon – single fringe, but not to high up – otherwise you end up with a puckery binky.

You can also layer the fabric, using two pieces of fleece placed one on top of the other, cut the 1″ strips through both layers of fabric, then tie the corresponding strips from layer 1 and layer 2 together in a square knot.

It’s an easy project that can be done individually or as a family, a group project.

Once your blankets are done, simply contact me< for a drop-off or mail-in location near you! It’s that easy!

We look forward to hearing from you!


Marlys D. Vaughan
Director, Chapter Outreach and Web Support