Twenty people attended or first Area Coordinator forum.  It was a huge success of swapping ideas, problem-solving andsharing resources. 

 Susan Finch nannering on.We were so pleased at the turn out for this event. Thank you to everyone who participated.  Thank you to those who RSVP’ed either way.

This luncheon was held at the home of Publicity director, Carolyn Berrndt.  She and her husband, Roland made us all feel sdo welcome.

Those attending received a notebook with a printed copy of the AC report (online version), a printed handbook, a CD of all Binky Patrol logos and materials and a questionnaire for feedback from the event.

The best part everyone noted was meeting the other area coodinators in a two hour radius.  Southern California is densely covered with chapters, so this was a real treat.  They also enjoyed the question/answer session, brainstorming particular problems and coming up with solutions and alternatives.

We’ve been bantering about the idea of an online event that Area Coodinators would be able to sign up for.  We could all call into a phone number and be logged into the meeting.  It would be an opportunity to go over chapter report questions, website training, and other issues. BPHQ will come up with a form for this after the BAT season is over so we can decide on topics, interest level and ideal time for the maximum amount of folks to join us.